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French Survival Guide: Geographic

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France’s geographical treasures

France abounds in geographical treasures well worth discovering. From majestic mountains to picturesque coastlines and winding rivers, the country offers a breathtaking array of landscapes..

France’s mountains are a natural spectacle. From the snow-capped peaks of the Alps to the wild panoramas of the Pyrenees and the dormant volcanoes of the Massif Central, each mountain region offers its own share of adventure and breathtaking scenery..

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Géographie Paysage France Alpes

The beautiful French coastline

The French coasts are not to be outdone. The Côte d’Azur, bathed in Mediterranean sunshine, seduces with its fine sandy beaches and turquoise waters, while the Atlantic coast offers a unique blend of laid-back surfing and picturesque fishing villages..

Géographie Paysage France Nice

Sailing between rivers

Last but not least, France’s rivers weave landscapes and stories across the country. From the majestic Seine, which winds its way through Paris, to the wild Loire, nicknamed “Europe’s last wild river”, and the Rhône, which flows through landscapes as varied as the country itself, these rivers shape the geography and history of France.

Géographie Paysage France Seine Paris bateau

This exploration of France’s geographical wonders invites you on a journey through enchanting landscapes and iconic destinations. For those who also wish to immerse themselves in the French language and culture, our short online guide is here to accompany you.

Hey, psst it’s not over… We’ve got a little surprise for you!

To practice the language and feel at ease in all situations during your next stay in France, consult our online guide for even cooler tips on geography while perfecting your French, for the price of a coffee. 🍵🤑.
Inside you’ll find :

  • 📖 Grammar exercises
  • 🗨️ Thematic vocabulary
  • 🌟 Tips and tricks for living like a French woman or man
  • 🗣️ Real-life situations with dialogues
  • 💖All in a clear, practical format
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