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Mastering French-style interaction

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Welcome to the world of French interaction! On our journey through the social subtleties of France, we’ll discover together the codes, behaviors and nuances that make every exchange unique. Ready to dive into this enriching adventure? Let’s get started!

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Maîtriser les interactions à la française

The basics of French politeness

Ah, French politeness, an art in itself! It’s like a dance where “Bonjour” is the first step. Add a hint of “s’il vous plaît” and “merci”, and you’re well on your way to successful interactions. And don’t forget to know when to say “tu” or “vous” to avoid faux-pas!

Dress codes and expected behavior

In France, clothing style is a kind of calling card. From formal to casual, every occasion has its rules. And at the table, good manners are the order of the day: cutlery in hand and no noise while eating, please! Oh, and don’t be late – it’s impolite!

Non-verbal communication

Communication in France isn’t just about words. Personal distance, eye contact and even facial expressions are all codes to be deciphered. It’s like a secret language that enriches our exchanges with meaning and nuance.

Maîtriser les interactions à la française

Conversation topics to avoid

Beware, landslide! Certain topics can quickly turn a pleasant conversation into a minefield. So avoid sensitive subjects such as politics or religion, and favor friendly, positive exchanges.

There, now you have all the keys you need to shine in French-style interactions! By respecting these codes and remaining open to cultural differences, you’ll open yourself up to a world of enriching discoveries and exchanges. So, are you ready to embark on this linguistic and social adventure? Bon voyage!

Hey, psst c’est pas fini… On vous a préparé une petite surprise

To practice the language and be at ease in all situations during your next stay in France, check out our online guide for even cooler tips on interacting while perfecting your French, for the price of a coffee 🍵🤑.

Inside you’ll find:

  • 📖 Grammar exercises
  • 🗨️ Thematic vocabulary
  • 🌟 Tips and tricks for living like a French person
  • 🗣️ Real-life situations with dialogues
  • 💖All in a clear, practical format
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