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La Blanquette de Veau

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Blanquette de veau is a recipe whose origin is unknown. We only know that it was Vincent de La Chapelle who first wrote the recipe for blanquette de veau in the book “Le Cuisinier Moderne” 📖🍛 in 1735. Originally, blanquette de veau was a broth of leftover veal roast with a white 🍛 sauce. Now we don’t use the leftovers 😉.

Blanquette is called that because of the delicious white sauce made of fresh cream and flour that is poured over the meat before serving it. In a blanquette there are always pieces of carrots and mushrooms in strips. Most of the time, it is served with rice.

La Blanquette de Veau
To make a good blanquette de veau for 4 people:

  • Veal meat (about 1Kg)
  • 2 Spoons of flour
  • 2 Carrots
  • 1 Onion
  • Button mushrooms
  • 1 Chicken broth
  • 1 Glass of white wine
  • 1 Egg yolk
  • 1 Small jar of fresh cream


Bouillon : It is the juice obtained with meat or vegetables cooked in water with seasoning (salt or pepper) and aromatics (thyme, rosemary, laurel etc.).
Reste : Food remaining from an unfinished dish.
Rôtir : Roast, to cook a food with high heat in the oven.
Sauce blanche : White sauce: sauce with flour, butter, water and salt.
Viande crue : Raw meat, not cooked.

The recipe

  1. Cook the veal until it is slightly browned.
  2. Sprinkle with 2 spoonfuls of flour and mix well.
  3. add chicken broth and water until all meat is covered.
  4. Slice the carrots and chop the onions and add them to the preparation with the mushrooms.
  5. Simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours over low heat, stirring occasionally and adding water if necessary.
  6. In a bowl, mix the egg yolk with the pot of crème fraiche and the lemon and add it to the preparation before serving.

La recette

  1. Faire cuire la viande de veau jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit un peu dorée.
  2. Saupoudrer de 2 cuillères de farine et bien mélanger.
  3. Ajouter le bouillon de poule et de l’eau jusqu’à recouvrir toute la viande.
  4. Couper les carottes en rondelles et émincer les oignons et ajouter les à la préparation avec les champignons.
  5. Laisser mijoter 1h30 à 2h00 à feu doux en remuant de temps en temps en ajoutant de l’eau si besoin.
  6. Dans un bol mélanger le jaune d’oeuf avec le pot de crème fraiche et le citron et l’ajouter à la préparation avant de servir.

Bonne dégustation !


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Attribution of the header image. Blanquette de veau à l’ancienne. [Blanquette de veau à l’ancienne by Arnaud 25 , CC BY SA 4.0]