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Ratatouille is a recipe that originated in the Provence region in the South of France 🌞.

In 1778, the word “ratatouille” was used to describe a motley stew. The abbreviation “rata” means, in military slang, a simple and quick mixture of several varieties of vegetables (and even meat, at that time).

Ratatouille can be eaten cold or hot. It is usually served as a side dish with meat or fish, but can also be served as a main dish on its own, then accompanied by rice, potatoes, or bread.

Ratatouille is a delicious summer recipe that will bring sunshine to your plate!

To make a good Ratatouille for 4 people:

  • 2 Zucchinis
  • 1 Eggplant
  • 1 Green bell pepper
  • 1 Red bell pepper
  • 3 Tomatoes
  • 1 Onion
  • 2 Garlic cloves
  • 1 Bouquet of leeves
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Légumes : Plant or edible part of a vegetable species.
Servir : To bring a dish to the table.
Recette : Recipe, description of how to prepare a dish.
La cuisson : Action of cooking.
Émincer : Cutting into regular slices.
Bouquet garni : Usually a small bouquet of thyme, bay leaves, rosemary, tied with string. The bouquet garni must be removed at the end of cooking to serve the food.

The recipe

  1. Wash and cut zucchini, eggplant, green and red peppers into medium-sized cubes. Cut the tomatoes into quarters and chop the onion.
  2. In a frying pan, pour a little olive oil and fry in turn the peppers, the eggplants and then the onions and finally put everything together to continue the cooking.
  3. Add a nice bouquet garni of thyme, rosemary and bay leaves, add salt and pepper, then cover and simmer for 40 minutes, stirring regularly.
  4. 10 minutes before the end of the cooking time, add the two beautiful crushed garlic cloves and cover again. Feel free to taste and season to taste.

La recette

  1. Lavez et coupez les courgettes, l’aubergine, le poivron vert et le rouge, en cubes de taille moyenne. Coupez les tomates en quartiers et émincez l’oignon.
  2. Dans une poêle, versez un peu d’huile d’olive et faites revenir tour à tour les poivrons, les aubergines puis les oignons et enfin mettez tout ensemble pour continuer la cuisson.
  3. Ajoutez un beau bouquet garni de thym, de romarin et de laurier, salez, poivrez, puis couvrez pour laisser mijoter 40 minutes en remuant régulièrement.
  4. 10 minutes avant la fin de la cuisson, ajoutez les deux belles gousses d’ail écrasées puis couvrez de nouveau. N’hésitez pas à goûter et à assaisonner de nouveau selon vos goûts.




Bonne dégustation !


Would you like to enjoy these dishes while having a conversation with your teacher in France?

Attribution of the header image. Ratatouille. [Ratatouille by stijnnieuwendijk , CC BY NC-ND 2.0]