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Whether you’re a determined globetrotter or simply curious about French culture, communicating remotely in French has never been so fun and rewarding. Get ready to explore the many facets of long-distance communication in France, where every interaction is a true celebration of conviviality and the art of living.

Discover our guide

The telephone: a tool for communication… and theater!

The French love lively, expressive conversation, even on the phone. So don’t be surprised if the person you’re talking to seems to be putting on a play just for you! From impassioned exclamations to eloquent silences, every call will be a true performance worthy of the greatest actors. Learning tip: Simulate telephone conversations in French with friends to practice speaking. Use phrases like “Je vous passe…” (I’ll put you through to…). (I’ll put you through to…) and “Can you call me back later?

E-mails: a subtle art between formality and fantasy

Remote communication

When you write your emails in French, be prepared to navigate between two distinct worlds. On the one hand, formality and respect for professional codes, and the other, a typically French touch of whimsy and humor. Dare to use mischievous wordplay and warm formulas, because French people appreciate quick wit as much as « savoir-vivre ».

Learning tip: Write fictitious e-mails in French for professional situations, such as requesting information or proposing a meeting.

Les Appels Vidéo : A Window on France

Zoom, Skype and Company

Video calls have revolutionized long-distance communication. The French often use applications like Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet to keep in touch with family and friends, or for business meetings. Common expressions include “Tu m’entends ? Oui je t’entends !” and “Tu me vois bien ? Oui je te vois bien !”

Learning tip: Practice video calls with friends or tutors in French. Use these sessions to talk about a variety of topics and improve your fluency.

Online Meetings

Online meetings have become a norm, especially with telecommuting. In France, it’s important to be punctual and respect the rules of digital politeness, such as “Merci de m’avoir invité” and “Je vous enverrai un compte-rendu”.

Learning tip: Participate in online meetings in French or create simulations to practice formal language and public speaking skills.

Social networks: a playground for lovers of bon mots

Remote communication

Finally, dive into the world of French social networking, where every post is an opportunity to shine with wit. From punchlines to puns, the French excel in the art of online repartee. Don’t be afraid to take the plunge and impress your new virtual friends with your budding sense of humor! Whether you’re looking for a deep conversation or simply a moment of relaxation, long-distance communication in France will offer you a unique and enriching experience. So get ready to laugh, marvel, and discover the subtleties of the French language, one message at a time.
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Hey, psst it’s not over… We’ve got a little surprise for you!

To practice the language and be at ease in all situations during your next stay in France, check out our online guide for even cooler tips on communicating remotely while perfecting your French, for the price of a coffee 🍵🤑.

  • 📖 Grammar exercises
  • 🗨️ Thematic vocabulary
  • 🌟 Tips and tricks for living like a French woman or man
  • 🗣️ Real-life situations with dialogues
  • 💖All in a clear, practical format