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Today, to practice and help you improve your level in French 🇫🇷, we discover a new vocabulary word.


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Originally it is a plant. It is mainly cultivated in Africa and South America. It is loved for its seeds which are roasted and transformed into a drink.

Generally, it is drunk hot. Some people like it cold or iced, while others add milk.

When it doesn’t have much water, it is said to be “tight”, whereas if more water is put in, it is said to be “stretched”.

In France, this word is used both to refer to the drink, but also to the place where it can be consumed. There are many of them in all the villages and towns of France. It is a social place where people meet to talk about the rain or the weather.

The words that belong to its family are: espresso, cappuccino, but also bistro or troquet when referring to the place where it is drunk.

It can be drunk alone or with friends.



This word contains 4 letters, 2 vowels and 2 consonants.


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